KWI celebrated the 70th anniversary all over the world. Last stop was in Europe, where the great history of the KWI DAF production began.
Gianluigi Bianco, Sales Director of KWI, reviewed the history and great development of the company. In the last years KWI became the company with the most complete range of Dissolved Air Flotation units worldwide. He emphasized the high level of quality and the many years of experience of the employees at the production site in Klagenfurt, Austria.
Over the years, the company has evolved dramatically and is now a solution provider for water and wastewater treatment. The great research and development efforts led to the long-standing existence. KWI offers, in addition to 11 different flotation units, process packages that more than ever meet current market requirements.
In this meeting our sales and technical managers provided interesting inputs for the applications of KWI equipment. Peter Kerschberger e.g. explained why a KWI DAF is particularly well suited for a SWRO Desalination Pre-Treatment. The agents were able to see excellent results from references. The perfect functionality of DAF equipment also for phosphorus removal processes and sludge thickening in municipal sewage plants has been proven by pilot tests and case studies.
Hannes Koren, After Sales Manager presented the suitability of DAF in the area of oil & gas fields and refineries and presented
impressive performance parameters of existing plants.
Nikolaj Orasche, Erich Künstl and Daniel Dovjak presented their knowledge about filter denitrification technology for seawater treatment plant, application of ceramic membranes in municipal sewage MBR and industrial wastewater as well as DAFF for drinking water plants. The presentations led to lively discussions about partner support and future business growth.
With this celebration the starting gun has been fired – the starting gun in a new chapter for KWI.
KWI is developing KWI 2.0, which means we are bringing KWI to the next level, becoming package solution provider, increasing our business and becoming number one DAF technology company again.
Changes in the organizational structure make us ready for getting to the top of the water treatment companies. The course has already been set with organizational changes. Last year, a sales team around the new Sales Director Gianluigi was formed. Market development can now take place directly from Austria. Peter Kerschberger is our desalination expert and responsible for Middle East. Erich Künstl is responsible for the D-A-CH region, Nikolaj Orasche for East-Europe and Daniel Fister for the Asian market. Zvonko Kren, a long-time partner of KWI, joins our family as sales manager for some main European countries. With his decades of experience in the water treatment and education from Dr. Krofta itself, he is a valuable staff member and will reinforce our process expertise.
KWI relies on good relationships with its customers and has set up its own after-sales department. Customer requests regarding the service of KWI equipment are taken over by Hannes Koren. The 70th anniversary was an important meeting to enforce our alliance with our partners. Both sides benefit from a lot of exchanges of experience. An introduction into KWI’s mother company SafBon showed their capabilities in the water treatment sector and how we can use synergies.